Existing Site
Proposed Site
Over the years the political and social priorities and values have changed and as a result the shopping centre has been in a steady decline.
The existing Parade complex is arranged in a restrictive inward facing layout so that the façade of the shops and plaza area that should form the heart of the community are invisible from the outside. Unfortunately, what is visible from much of the exterior facade is very uninviting: it is largely composed of shop service yards, garages, the rear of flats and antivandal infrastructure on top of walls.

The proposed masterplan seeks to provide approx. 86 new dwellings designed to achieve a Net Zero carbon accreditation to respond to local housing needs. This is a Health led masterplan layout with facilities which promote good physical and mental well‐being. A series of safe and attractive spaces which serve the new and existing communities. A new village centre which put health and community at the heart of the masterplan also includes an anchor food store with 6 Retail units all to aspiring to achieve BREEAM Excellent.
The scheme is a health led masterplan which promotes good physical and mental well-being by connecting the park and a series of attractive spaces into the masterplan to serve the new and existing communities.